Have you ever tried to balance anything such as standing on one foot, or holding a cup full of tea on a saucer while walking quickly, or 2 dates in one evening...? Tough stuff, right? I find a challenge in balancing my time so I can paint. O.K. so I don't have copywrites to that issue, but it's still a struggle. Local artist Robert Genn regularly address this complaint in his bi-weekly newsletter. His suggestions often include the direct approach such as prioritize . And he's right. For me I believe that prioritizing is a huge challenge. Because my livelihood is currently not dependent on my painting, it falls under the category of "hobby". And, between my family, work, and standard house-hold duties, personal time is limited. So why I am bitchin' about this? Well basically because it's my blog and I can. Additionally because I am reflecting on what's real and what am I putting up as barricades & excuses. Lately I have taken a different appr...
A collage of art ideas and musings to inspire and nourish.