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A New Year. A New Awareness.

Amazingly we're a good 1/3 way through 2010 already! My seeming disinterest in blogging (last entry Oct. 09) is actually a somewhat recent realization that I didn't have a link from my site to my blog so no one knew it existed. Don't bother asking why it's taken so long to correct the issue; the answer is lame.

So I made my way through the entire Style Statement book which, by the way, I bought. I hadn't realized at first that it's really a work-book. And since I'm one-of-those who actually writes in books, I figured I'd best own it. Besides, I am also one-of-those who actually enjoys the whole self-help-like solitary, self-evaluation experience. It's thought provoking and reflective. And quite frankly that stimulates the artist in me.

In case you don't know what the statement is all about, I'll give you the brief low-down: it's 2 words that sum up "who I am". The first word is intended to represent 80% of "who I am". The second, is my "creative edge". It's that accent that makes the 80% sing & shine. Please visit: for more details.


To be honest my first re-action was disappointment. I may as well have been described and BEIGE BLING. The reason for that feeling is that two of the words in my final list (in the process of distilling all my answers down to the two very finals) included SECURE & INSPIRED. I suppose I was secretly hoping that SECURE & INSPIRED somehow would translate into REFINED GODDESS or MODERN CHERISHED, or some other more glamorous combination.

Upon further reflection - which, thankfully, I do a lot of so I don't stay stuck in negative emotion or uber crazy abstract thinking too long - I realized how true the coupling is. Of course, my partner Barry commenting, "I could have told you it would be that" only further supported (and only slightly upset) the truth of my words.

Comfort. Comfortable. Comforting. I am nurturing, require a sense of security / back-up plans in place (poor Barry can certainly attest to my incessant need for back-up plans), nest eggs. An over-all deep seated need to have / be in comfort at all levels; physical, emotional, spiritual, mental is truly me.

Creative. What can I say? Being both a practicing Graphic Designer and Fine Artist, I f-in' HOPE I AM CREATIVE! I need to put my own signature on something, make things unique, experiment, think abstractly. If I am not expressing in some way, I get really squirrelly. Again, poor Barry.

So that's a wrap on my exploration into the very liberating world of Style Statement. I highly recommend the experience. Maybe you will be Tailored Sacred...


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