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Showing posts from August, 2012

Not yet Delivered

I am about a month and a half away from the opening of my latest show, Delivery. All is going better than expected since I have had an unusually busy year with my other career as a graphic designer and have had to put my painting on the back-burner. Here is a snap of one of my paintings-in-progress. What I love about this painting is the prevalence of the almost neon pink. I haven't really employed pink in the past, but this one just demanded it & I listened. I also made use of some modelling paste for the numbers you see. I pressed them through a stencil. They have since shrunk some but are still pretty cool. The blotches of paper you see are transfers in progress. They worked out really well thanks to a very helpful techniques class I took with local Vancouver artist, Jeanne Krabbendam. Next post I'll show you a bit more of this painting nearly finished; I'll keep you posted on the Delivery series.